One of the original divides between Catholics and Protestants centers around the authority of the Pope. Five hundred years after Martin Luther’s 95 THESES (1517), most of what we know about the Pope comes from the news or Facebook. He lives in…..Italy? He rides in the…POPE-MOBILE? He wears…capes and red shoes? He makes…rules for Catholics?
The word “pope” comes from the Latin papa. Pope Francis currently fills the CHAIR of SAINT PETER as the 266th leader of the Catholic Church. The Pope is also referred to as “Vicar of Christ,” “Bishop of Rome,” and “Holy Father.” Catholic belief in this figure of authority is based on Jesus’ words from Matthew 16:18 (establishing, in Catholic tradition, Peter as the first Pope): “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church…..” (ESV)