
“The Monstrance holds the consecrated host during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.” (Bishop’s Palace; Galveston Historical Foundation; Galveston, TX)

Tran-sub-stan-ti-a-tian.  It’s a big word with a big meaning that defines a big difference between Catholics and Protestants. There is no dispute regarding the origin of Communion/the Lord’s Supper/the Eucharist.  Solid Christian doctrine agrees with the Biblical account of the last Passover Jesus and the Disciples shared (Matthew 26:17-18; Mark 14:12-16; Luke 22:7-13). The differences in theology center on the bread and wine (the “elements”) Jesus used to describe His coming sacrifice. Was He speaking literally or figuratively?  (Luke 22:14-23; Mark 14:17-25; Matthew 26:19-30) To keep things very simple, let’s limit the basic theologies to three:

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